Seeking API Experts - Make Your Voice Heard

By Lindsey Jenkins in API Industry Trends, SOAI 2021 Posted Nov 12, 2020


The fifth time’s the charm - our State of API Integration survey is now open for submissions!

For the past five years, we’ve sought responses from readers like you on the API trends they’re seeing in their day-to-day lives. From tracking the rise of GraphQL to studying monetization strategies, the data we’ve been able to collect has been a key forecast of what API builders, consumers, and sellers could expect over the years.

To mark the fifth year of the report and reflect on the impact the Covid pandemic has had on the industry this year, this edition will dig into how API integration has shifted (and stayed the same) since we began the report while also taking a look at how 2020’s effects will reverberate in the years to come.

To get a gauge of what this year’s report will entail, take a peek at last year’s. We discovered key trends, including:

  • 83% of respondents see API integration as essential to their overall business strategy,
  • The ideal integration experience is one that’s “seamless, effortless, and highly performant,”
  • The most common driver for app integration is digital transformation (40.3% of responses),
  • The biggest customer/partner integration demand is for customized APIs that fit a specific business need (55.4% of responses),
  • And much more (click here.)

We can’t make this report without your valuable feedback, so if you can spare a few minutes to share your expertise while you drink your morning cup of coffee (or tea, if you’re like me), you’ll get a $10 gift cardexclusive early access to the report once it’s finalized and a chance to win an additional $100.  

Thank you in advance for your help, and please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions (


Take the survey